Sunday, April 14, 2013

Academy of Natural Science

We had a great trip to Philadelphia to visit the Academy of Natural Science. Thank you so much to all the parents who helped make the trip great! The students got to hold a hissing cockroach, search for shark teeth, look at dinosaur bones, walk amongst live butterflies, go on a scavenger hunt, and much more!


Thursday, March 14, 2013

Achievement Test Week & Cotton Ball Olympics

We worked so hard each morning on our achievement tests and we did some fun activities in the afternoon to give our brains a break!
We have been learning about measuring length in math. One afternoon we held the first annual Second Grade Cotton Ball Olympics!!
There were four events that the students participated in: Cotton Ball Shot-put, Paper Plate Discus, Straw Javelin, and the Long Jump. After doing the event, the students used their measuring skills to determine the length of the throw or jump. It was such a fun way to get more practice using rulers!

Here are some pictures of the students working hard on the achievement tests:

 Sweet girls taking a brain break!

For another break, the students tried to get their erasers from their foreheads to their chins without using their hands. I think this was more for my entertainment than theirs! The pictures are so funny!

We also celebrated two special birthdays. Owen and Trevor had birthdays on the same weekend! Happy birthday boys!! You BOTH bring SO much JOY to our class!!!
Trevor brought in donuts to help us celebrate his birthday...
...and (on a different day) Owen's mom brought in ice cream!